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Biblical ingredients for creating healthy, reproducing churches that glorify God and impact society.

The radicle core of the Great Commission

radicle (Latin) - "the embryonic root".


When we look to developing new models of ecclesia for our evolving situation, it is vital to look at what is non-negotiable. A lot needs changing, and we need to look at a lot of things differently - but not everything. 


The radicle root of our Matthew 28:18-20 mandate has served every evolution and revolution in how God's people form their activity and purpose. To advance once more we must "preserve the core and stimulate progress".


M4 adheres to four primary principles behind that mandate, helping you to birth something new from this radicle root.


  1. Master: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”

  2. Mission:Therefore go and make disciples of all nations...

  3. Multiplication:...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

  4. Movement:...And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 

It is all about Jesus planting HIS church.


He told us to go into all the world demonstrating the gospel of His kingdom. This stage in the M4 Team process helps you clarify a biblical vision and model.

Declaring and demonstrating the gospel to others.


Understanding the context into which we bring the gospel. This section also equips planters in how to engage local networks and create pathways for new people.

Making disciples who make disciples.


Creating formation pathways to build healthy believers who go on to do the same.

God is with us as we continue to go, grow and adapt.


Building pathways of multiplying groups, leadership and church planting in the church.



Stay informed about course dates and other opportunities.

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M4 Australia

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