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An introduction to the principles and processes behind M4 Australia.

Join Us

Time: 3-5th of April 2024
Place: Melbourne, Australia
Venue: Cross Culture Church

On the invitation from Exponential Australia, leaders of M4  Europe visited Australia in October 2023 and presented the M4 team process to interested parties.


After further dialogue with multiple groups we have been invited back to conduct information & training sessions with a view to forming a leadership group and strategy for launching M4 in Australia.


We are inviting you to an M4 event from the 3rd to 5th of April 2024. M4 Europe leaders  will serve church planters, planting leaders and movement leaders that are interested in the detail of what M4 offers.


We will give an experiential training in our materials of the church planting ABC: Assessment, Basic Training and Coaching.

Three options for training:


We will divide the training into sections and give the option to choose how much training each leader would like to participate in. When registering, choose either one, two or all three options.


Option 1: Wednesday 3rd April - 2 pm to 9 pm: Understanding M4  (More here)


Option 2: Thursday 4th of April - 9 am to 9 pm: Experience M4 ABC (More here)


Option 3: Friday 5th April - 9 am to 2 pm: Leadership and Planning (More here)


If you woild like to be a part of developing M4 in Australia we ask you to engage with all three gatherings. If you just want to know more about M4 or experience the ABC Training of M4 you are welcome to register for the first two options only.

Option 1 - Understanding M4
Wednesday 3rd April. 2 pm to 9 pm:


Goal: Give an in-depth understanding of the M4 team process and M4 Ready recruitment process.

  • M4 history, vision, mission and values

  • Introduction to the M4 team process and the church planting ABC.

  • Facilitation of Learning community and result-based conversation.

  • Offline and online training - flip the classroom.

  • Startup process of M4 in a nation.

  • M4 Ready as a recruitment tool.

  • Startup process of M4 in a new nation.


Contributors: Øivind Augland, Kenno Leier, Liva Fokrote, Miguel Castillo from M4 in Europe.

Option 2
Option 2 - Experience M4 ABC's
Thursday 4th April. 9:00am-9:00pm


On this day, you must choose one of the ABC areas to be trained in: Assessment, Basic Training (Facilitation) and Coaching. This will be an experience-based training where we will require you to do some pre-preparation (3-4 hours work). You will receive a manual to read and some films to watch before the gathering. The training will be less content and more practice and application. 



Content: Assessment is about finding the right church planter by assessing the Calling, character, Chemistry and Competence of the church planting candidate. You will be a part of an assessment interview. In training, we will go through the background of assessment, what a behavioural interview is, the three stages of an interview, and reviewing, reporting, and reflecting on what makes a good assessor.


Teacher: Liva Fokrote, expert leader of Assessment.

Preparation work: Reading through M4 assessment manual and watching the assessment video (around 3-4 hours of preparation)




Content: In M4, we define Basic training in a Learning Community as a collaborative process where the church planter and their team have the best conversations around the most important topics that will bring about the desired results in planting a new church. We will go through the pedagogy behind the learning community, how to facilitate an M4 learning community and how to do an M0 preparation gathering for the church planter and their coaches.


Teacher: Kenno Leier and Øivind Augland.

Preparation work: Read through the M4 facilitation manual and watch some videos in the M0 manual. (around 3-4 hours preparation)




Content: In the M4 team process, we define coaching as a relationship between church planters and their coach to help the church planters and their team move from where they are to where they believe God wants them to be by following the lead of the Spirit in making them more Christ-like.


In this workshop, we will also practice coaching skills and tools to increase our coaching ability. You will also learn how we work with coaching in the M4 team process and M4 Ready Recruitment process.


Teacher: Miguel Castillo

Preparation work: Reading through the M4 assessment manual and watching the assessment video (around 3-4 hours of preparation).

Option 3 - Leadership and Planning
Friday 5th April. 9:00am-2:00pm.


Will be developed closer to the date.

Getting there:

Cross Culture Church of Christ - 333, Swanston St, Melbourne.


Closest train station: Melbourne Central


Accomodation options

Recommend accomodation in Melbourne city:

  1. Ibis Melbourne Central

  2. Avani Melbourne Central Residences

  3. Or choice of any hotel in Melbourne CBD.


Airport transport:

If you need public transport other than taxis or Uber, try taking the airport-city Skybus (, which will take you to Southern Cross Station. From there, it's a 20-25 minutes walk to Cross Culture Church, catch a train to Melbourne Central Station or find out how to get there by trams.



Lunches and dinners will be provided on the days of training.


Daily commute and Parking:

Street parking is limited. If you don't want use privately ran car parks like Wilson Parking, you might find parking at the Queen Victoria Market carpark to be cost efficient ( Due to the full day nature of the gathering and its CBD location, public transport is highly recommended.



Stay informed about course dates and other opportunities.

Thanks for reaching out - we will get back to you ASAP.

M4 Australia

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