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 M4 Team Process 

 Equipping the church planter and their team to succeed in the first years of church planting. 

Team-based. Relational. Adaptable.

Fueling the church-planting vision God has given you.


M4 Team is a two-year process where the planting team is equipped and coached through the first critical season of planting a church.


The team can plant their church at any time through the process.


Up to 10 people per team are included in the fee. Whilst the planter (and spouse) receives extra focus, team-members are included in the equipping and coaching. If a team-member drops out, another can take their place and catch up.


  • M4 Teams cohorts commence twice per year (Feb.+Sep.)

  • Have your existing staff trained to assess, coach and input your DNA into planting teams.

  • Join planters with other movements for a state-wide cohort, or gather 5 or more teams into your own.



  • Learn with up to ten team members.

  • Experience learning communities with planters from other movements.

  • Enjoy the benefit of an experienced coach for the whole 2-years.



M4 Team Process is for church planters and their teams. They can commence M4 Team either before they plant or in the early stages.


On completion of a 2-year process the church planting team is equipped in establishing a healthy reproducing church that glorifies God and impacts society.

M4 Team Process: birthed from a European work of God.


Learning Communities:

Over the two year process, teams meet in-person every six months for two days of result-based learning. There teams work through the teaching and assignments from the previous six months of online learning. They also set their plans and goals for the next six months.


Online Learning:

Teams have access to our online learning system. With their hard-copy journal, they work through the content and assignments in preparation for the next learning community. 



From the beginning of the process an experienced church planter is assigned as your team's coach. They help you achieve your agreed goals and overcome barriers. At times they offer mentoring. More on coaching here.



The planter (and spouse) undergo a thorough assessment prior to commencing training. This provides a snapshot of their current reality, rather than give a pass/fail result. 



The M4 Team Process begins with the church planter undergoing a rigorous assessment process. This is not a pass/fail evaluation, rather it provides honest and detailed feedback for the church planter on their experience in four main areas: calling, character, chemistry and competencies.


The assessment process consists of a self-assessment and an assessment interview led by a trained assessors’ team. In the end, a summary report with the assessors’ key observations and recommendations is presented to the church planter. These findings can provide a good starting point for coaching.


M4 Coaching is a one-to-one relationship between the church planter and their coach to help the church planter and their team move from where they are to where they believe God wants them to be by following the lead of the Spirit in making them more Christ-like.


The role of the coach is to draw out what the Holy Spirit has put in and help the church planter and their team be obedient to what God is saying to them. The coach seeks to help the church planter be the most effective leader possible while helping make the church planting project as effective as possible.

Basic Training

One of the key components of the M4 Team Process is the learning community gathering. A learning community is a collaborative process where key people have the best conversations around the most important topics that will bring about the desired results.


The facilitator is the person who ensures this process starts well, flows smoothly, and ends with each team having a clear action plan on what they will be doing for the next 6 months.

Online learning

The online learning course consists of approximately 80 teaching sessions and interviews with experienced church planters from the Australian context on relevant church planting topics.


As each participant goes through the course, they are able to reflect on their own learnings as well as how that might apply to their context. The course is supplemented by a Journal with dynamic individual and team exercises. It provides space to write down personal reflections and serves as a spiritual formation tool.



Stay informed about course dates and other opportunities.

Thanks for reaching out - we will get back to you ASAP.

M4 Australia

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